Ask an Apprentice: Aaron Allen

Posted July 31, 2024

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Get to know Acting Apprentice Aaron Allen in this Ask an Apprentice feature.

Acting Apprentice Aaron Allen chats about his journey to APT this summer and what he loves to do in Spring Green when not performing as the King of France in King Lear, or a very strapping fish in Much Ado About Nothing. You can also catch Aaron in Ring Round the Moon this summer.

APT: Hi, Aaron! How is summer treating you?
It’s going great! Long days for the apprentices sometimes. Tech weeks were a little crazy, but that’s the only thing I can complain about. I’m having a blast out here! I’ve been working to get here for a while and it’s everything I expected and more. It’s such a relief to finally be here and work and do what I love. Much Ado About Nothing is great – first lines! Ring Round the Moon is great.

APT: Happy to hear it! Can you give us a quick run down of your journey to APT?
My journey to APT is really a long one. I’ve been working to get out here for three years. I’m proud to say that I’m here now. I really, really wanted to be here for a long time.

I first found out about APT in 2022, from my mentor Carine Montbertrand. Carine is really good friends with Carey Cannon, Robert Ramirez, she went to school with a bunch of APT people – she knows all of them! In 2022, she somehow got me a meeting with Carey Cannon to work on monologues so she saw my talent then, but the season was already cast. So, I tried out for 2023 and I didn’t get in. I was kind of devastated. I felt like I already had a pinkie toe in the door, but I didn’t put in the best tapes I could have because I was scrambling. I had an “actor low,” where I didn’t have an acting job for the summer. But that gave me the opportunity to be very serious and work even harder for the next year. I was perfecting my skills, my craft, my monologue. When I sent in my materials and was asked to attend a callback, I was just like “here is the moment – just go in and do what you do.”

My callback was at 7:00 AM pacific time because of time zones, but that was the only time I could do it. It was a great audition, and it was warming and welcoming and surprising. I remember riding my bike to work that day feeling amazing. It was a really good day.

APT: That's amazing! Well, congrats on achieving that. As an Acting Apprentice, you’ve got a very busy schedule during the summer, which includes classes! Can you share a little bit about how classes run and operate here in the apprentice program?
I feel like it depends on who is teaching the classes. Right now, we’ve been working with a lot of voice & text teachers which helps me a lot to ease up on some tightness in my body.

With Sara Becker, for example, we did a lot of good warm ups to find our breath and get open and then work on monologues in different ways. We worked with Jackie Springfield (who was actually my teacher at AMDA!). The ones we had with Rosie [Ward] were crazy! She had an intense warm up that really hurt but got me ready. We had Santiago [Sosa] coach us on monologues through different phases of our lives. Jan [Gist] was awesome and very meticulous and did very good work to ease us up.

We’re also working on acting. The one with Aaron Posner was an ACTING class – he was really drilling us on exploring monologues. Jim Ridge and Colleen Madden have come in to talk with us. Nate Burger and Samantha Newcomb have come in. Alys Dickerson has been a huge support.

APT: Have there been any favorite moments from the past couple months, either in class or in general? Any mentors you want to shout out?
David Daniel is really cool. Sam [Luis Massaro] is my guy. I feel like I’ve connected with a lot of people here. Casey [Hoekstra] is someone I love to watch, not just because I understudy him. Nate [Burger] shows me a lot. Just working on the monologue today and easing up my breath with Jan [Gist] was special. Being on the stage with Rosie [Ward] and doing a monologue, finding my voice on the Hill stage and being able to be heard. Naturally being there and extending my voice. That’s a big thing, because that stage is crazy.

APT: What’s something you’re looking forward to in this second rep of shows?
Allen: King Lear and seeing the other shows! I have all my tickets. All the apprentices have their bigger roles in King Lear and hopefully I get to fight! I’m excited to meet and work with Tim Ocel. It’ll be so cool to watch that process. I’m excited and trying to get prepared!

APT: What’s something you’re looking forward to doing yet this summer in general? Any bucket list items you’d like to cross off?
I’ve been to the Wisconsin River already, but getting back to there. We’re going to try and go to Devil’s Lake this summer and maybe try out some tubbing. I still have to go to Reunion (I’m a regular at Homecoming). Riding my bike around Spring Green, it just feels like everyone knows me in town now, which is just WILD! You can always see me on my bike. I love going to Slowpoke and hanging out with people. I met a nice girl, too, so that’s really nice. It’s a fun time out here. I feel very welcomed and at home. I really like Spring Green.

APT: That's really wonderful. What do you like to do when you're not auditioning or working on a new project?
Ride my bike, obviously! Play a few video games. Get outside. Throw the frisbee around with Seth [Ajani] and Colin [Covert]. Talk with Colin. Mess with Colin. Cook. Mess with Seth. If it’s a social thing, I like hanging out at Slowpoke and having a drink. Chill at Homecoming. I like Molter’s and chilling over there. I’m there all the time.

APT: And speaking of grocery shopping, here's your Wild Card Question. We’ve talked a little about your passion for food before, so let me ask you: what would you pack or prepare for the perfect APT picnic?
People now know about my wings, and they like them a lot, so I guess I’ll bring those. I make a great, unique pizza too, so I’ll bring that. I make really good quesadillas so I’ll bring that. And since we’ve got grills at APT, I guess I’ll grill up some chicken or burgers. Flip them up!

I don’t make sweets so other people can bring the deserts. I’d probably make some brownies if I had too. What I’m really craving, though, is a turkey sandwich from concessions.