
Brenda DeVita
Brenda DeVita
Artistic Director
Sara Young
Sara Young
Managing Director
Amy Alcott
Amy Alcott
Box Office/House Staff
Jessica Amend
Jessica Amend
Marketing Director
Hannah Jo Anderson
Hannah Jo Anderson
Marketing Associate
Jonathan Baker
Jonathan Baker
Concessions Assistant Manager
Emily Beck
Emily Beck
Business Manager
Kelsey Brennan
Kelsey Brennan
Director of Professional Development Programs
Mike Campbell
Mike Campbell
Property Superintendent
Aaron Christensen
Aaron Christensen
Box Office Staff
Hollis Coffin
Hollis Coffin
Box Office Staff
Lauren Dochnahl
Lauren Dochnahl
House Manager
Bruce Ehlinger
Bruce Ehlinger
Box Office Manager
Matt Erdman
Matt Erdman
Maintenance Supervisor
Connor Fitzsimmons
Connor Fitzsimmons
Maintenance Assistant / Concessions Staff
Jazmine Gauger
Jazmine Gauger
House Staff/Event Assistant
Anna Gonzalez
Anna Gonzalez
Community Engagement Coordinator
Brielle Grant
Brielle Grant
House Staff
Patty Heaston
Patty Heaston
Communications Coordinator
Kathy Hiteman
Kathy Hiteman
Box Office Staff
Michael Huftile
Michael Huftile
Assistant Maintenance Supervisor
Mike Humke
Mike Humke
Concessions Manager
Janna Jilniana
Janna Jilniana
House Staff
Ryan Kane
Ryan Kane
Event Assistant/Concessions
Andrea Kinney
Andrea Kinney
Gift Shop Staff
Mary Lloyd-Jones
Mary Lloyd-Jones
Box Office Staff
Annie Louis
Annie Louis
Associate Development Director
Jody Louis
Jody Louis
Gift Shop Assistant Manager
Erik Marquess
Erik Marquess
House Staff
Jill McDermott
Jill McDermott
Gift Shop Staff
Grace McDougal
Grace McDougal
House Staff
Claire Mertens
Claire Mertens
House Staff
Debra Miller
Debra Miller
Assistant Box Office Manager
Erin Milleville
Erin Milleville
Marketing Assistant & Education Coordinator
Sharon Moshure
Sharon Moshure
IT Coordinator
Beth Novak
Beth Novak
Gift Shop Staff
Ari Pollack
Ari Pollack
Donor Relations Manager
Sue Quale
Sue Quale
Concessions Staff
Dhyana Rabe
Dhyana Rabe
Administrative Assistant
Jameson Ridge
Jameson Ridge
House Staff
Lisa Scofield
Lisa Scofield
Gift Shop Manager
Arie Snow
Arie Snow
House Staff
Cari Stebbins
Cari Stebbins
Operations Manager
Pamela Stefansson
Pamela Stefansson
Box Office Staff
Thea Thompson
Thea Thompson
Associate Development Director
Kimm Tomala
Kimm Tomala
Finance Director
Michele Traband
Michele Traband
Development Director
Jessa Triplan
Jessa Triplan
Gift Shop Staff
Gus Truschinski
Gus Truschinski
House Staff
Paige Verbsky
Paige Verbsky
Box Office Staff
Lauren Walker
Lauren Walker
ACT Camp and Gift Shop Staff
Deborah C. White
Deborah C. White
Concessions Staff
David Youngquist
David Youngquist
House Staff