Today at APT - 53 Days to Open

Posted April 14, 2011 By APT

Today was the monthly staff meeting, where the year-round staff get together to talk about what they've been up to. We're cheating a little on this blog post because we didn't get around to posting it at the end of the day yesterday. So, it's technically 52 days to open. But it's really yesterday's post. Today was the monthly staff meeting, when the year-round staff meets to talk about what they've been up to and go over any organization-wide issues. This meeting took a little longer than usual because everyone had a lot to report: Michele Bindl, the Accounting Assistant, has been processing contracts for all of the incoming acting company, crews and staff. She says the 'done' pile is now bigger than the 'to do' pile. Al Fredericks and Justine Myers, Maintenance Supervisor and Facilities Supervisor, each rattled off a long list of preparations they've crossed off their list and those still to come. Justine reported that soon several truckloads of wood chips will be on the way to replenish the supply in the upper lobby. Brenda DeVita, Associate Artistic Director, reported on the last few new hires - dogs and a Tai Chi master - and briefed the group on the possible 2012 season. Emily Beck, Box Office Manager, thanked everyone for their help during last week's box office rush. Emily also administrates the education program and reported that we have a handful of campers signed up for ACT Camp, APT's weeklong Shakespeare camp, and there are many others who have application materials. Dale Manning, our Information Systems Manager, calmed the group by letting us know that 'SPAM happens', and that we needn't be alarmed by it. Sometimes it takes the filters a few days to catch up with the new spam. Also, he warned us that if we didn't start cleaning out our email boxes, he'd have to impose limits. (This is when we're reminded that some parts of our business are just the same as lots of other businesses). That's just a sample-we could go on and on. But we'll save it for later. That's what happened Today at APT.