Summer Studio

Summer Studio

A new, immersive educational experience coming summer 2025

Join APT Education for one-day educational explorations designed to inspire and ignite creativity for learners of all ages. In Summer 2025, join Summer Studio for one of three workshop days led by an ensemble of remarkable teaching artists, topic experts and arts leaders as we get ready to embark on a journey through the world of the plays.

Enrollment opens Monday, March 17, 2025.

How To Sign Up

To sign yourself or your child up for a Summer Studio session, please select the chosen session and place it in your order, just like a play or event ticket. After you purchase the session, look for an email from the Summer Studio email account with follow-up information on further registration and a code for unlocking camper and family tickets to that evening's performance.

Sign-up opens Monday, March 17 at 7:00 AM on the APT website, or 10:00 AM if placing an order by phone with the Box Office.

Download the Summer Studio one-page informational sheet to share with others.

Interested in learning more? Email [email protected] for more information.