Today at APT - 47 Days to Open

Posted April 20, 2011 By APT's snowing here. Not exactly the April 19th we were expecting. The bad weather here today certainly forced some of the crews to work inside, but still much was accomplished. Another round of meetings on the 2012 budget got us ever closer to balancing. There's still more work to do, but we're getting to the point where we'll be able to put it away for the next couple months until after we open the first five shows. Dog contracts were on (Assistant Production Manager) Sara Stellick's agenda today. Both of the dogs who will be sharing the role have it all laid out on paper. We assume their owners will be signing for them? There are so many bad puns to be made at this point...let's just skip them all. The Concessions department was working on hiring today so they have a full crew for the summer. Homestay agreements also went out in the mail today. More than a dozen of the production staff stay in local people's homes while they are at APT -- residencies can be just a few days or stretch over months. Some local Spring Greeners have been doing this for years, and we are grateful to them for their hospitality. That's all for now. Let's hope the bad weather now makes the coming summer all the sweeter!