Quick Chats: Christopher Sheard on The Seagull

Posted August 14, 2014

Welcome to our Quick Chats series, where we take a peek backstage and ask questions that are almost completely related to the show. Today, we're chatting with Christopher Sheard, who plays Konstantin Gavrilovich Treplev (Kostya) in The Seagull by Anton Chekhov. The first of Chekhov's most famous works, The Seagull dives into the human psyche in a way that only Chekhov can. An estate on a beautiful lake sets the scene for romance-if only the right people could fall for each other. Unrequited love and unrealized dreams compound upon each other until the tension and weight become too much to bear. With a rich and dynamic ensemble of writers, actors, laborers and more, this play explores what is exquisite about the seemingly everyday happenings of life. Now, let's hear from Chris. APT: This production features some great live music. What kind of music do you listen to? C: I listen to all kinds of music. I am absolutely loving the music in our show right now. Our musicians are killing it! APT: Which character from The Seagull would you most like to have a conversation with? C: All of the characters to me are fascinating, complex and difficult individuals. Being around any of them would be a challenge. I suppose I would like to have a conversation with Dorn. He seems my speed. Maybe he would sit in the corner and quietly sing while I tried to get him to diagnose me. APT: There's a lot of talk about artists in this play. Besides theatre, what kind of art would you like to produce (or do you produce already)? C: I would love to be able to draw, to be able to capture the world around us. My suns still look the same as they did when I was 8 years old: smiley faces and sunglasses. APT: What is your opinion on seagulls (the birds)? Love them, hate them-? C: I grew up in Florida where seagulls are pretty much the state bird. I was annoyed by them when I lived there, and now I miss them a bit. It's a love/hate relationship! APT: Have you done a Chekhov show before? C: This is my first Chekhov show. I made a discovery this week, that Michael Scott from "The Office' is totally Chekhovian. The Seagull runs through September 20 on the Hill. For more information or to buy tickets, please visit http://americanplayers.org/plays/the-seagull or call the Box Office at 608-588-2361. Photo: Carissa Dixon