10 signs that you"re an APT superfan

Posted August 9, 2014

If you exhibit any of these 10 traits, you should consult your nearest show schedule and see a play at APT right away. 1. You're on a first-name basis with the Core Company actors (even if you've never spoken with them). 2. You have strong opinions on the change from port-o-potties to permanent toilets. 3. You know what Alpha, Bravo, and Touchstone are and where to find them. 4. You've tried other gummy bears, but think that none can quite compare with the ones at the APT concessions stand. 5. You named (or at least seriously considered naming) a child or pet after a Shakespeare character. 6. The sound of a trumpet fanfare makes you really eager to start climbing hills. 7. You've 'converted' a few friends or family members into APT fans. 8. You start making travel plans as soon as the Book of Summer comes out. 9. You're disappointed by plays that don't include live whippoorwill calls. 10. You'd spend every day playing in the woods if you could. Does this sound like you?