Quick Chat: Sydney Lolita Cusic

Posted August 16, 2024

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The effervescent Sydney Lolita Cusic joins us in the woods for her first time this season. You can catch her as Dussie Mae in August Wilson's Ma Rainey's Black Bottom and as a member of Messina's Watch in Much Ado About Nothing. Before rehearsals got underway for second rep, Sydney took a moment to catch up with us about her first time performing outdoors, what fuels her passions and what music everyone should listen to at least once before the summer is up.

APT: Hello, Sydney! Thanks for talking to us! How do you feel now that both of your shows are open?
Cusic: Excellent! I feel amazing! I don’t have anything second rep other than understudying Cordelia in King Lear, which is work, but a different kind of work after doing back to back shows. It allows me some time to rest.

APT: Would you mind sharing a little bit about your journey to APT this season?
I got a request through my agent, and I didn’t even realize Gavin [Lawrence] and I knew each other before working on this project. My little brother did a show with Gavin when he was around 11 at the Chicago Children’s Theatre and my mom and Gavin stayed in contact. He gave us advice and helped us out from time to time. I remember my mom talking about Gavin sometimes when we’d have troubles because being Black in the industry is a thing. “Oh, Phillip’s friend, Gavin…” And then flashforward when I walked into the audition for Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom, Gavin was like “I know you!” And I hadn’t seen him since I was fourteen!

I hadn’t really been introduced to APT until the audition. And then I saw it was in the woods, which freaked me out a little bit. But I’m here and not so freaked out anymore. Most days are really good!

APT: On that note, what has surprised you about working outdoors?
The mosquitos! It’s not surprising, but the level of mosquitos here has been kind of atrocious this year! But on the positive side, I remember the first Much Ado preview, I was sitting backstage and you could see all these people in the audience just listening to what was happening on the stage and responding and all these stars were in the sky. I just thought, “This is kind of crazy. It’s magical!” I understand why huge hordes of people show up now! That was special and magical, and it makes the mosquitos worth it.

Sydney Lolita Cusic in Much Ado About Nothing, 2024. Photo by Liz Lauren.

APT: What are you looking forward to experiencing yet this summer? Either here at APT or out in the world?
I’m excited to explore a little more! I went to Sauk City the other day and walked by the river which was nice. I’m excited to get into my nature bag. I also have no rehearsals for second rep, so now I can pop into rehearsal rooms and watch other people work. It’s funny because the three shows that happen during second rep are all shows that happened my last year of college – Constellations, King Lear and Dancing at Lughnasa. I don’t know what that means in the universe, but I’m excited to revisit those.

APT: What inspires you creatively?
I would say the people around me. I’m lucky enough to have some excellent artists and excellent humans around me. What’s happening in the world. I like to pay attention to see how I as an artist can reflect that back and forth as that relationship grows. Sleeping! When I’m rested I can think a lot better.

APT: When not onstage or working on your next project, what do you like to do in your free time?
I watch a lot of Love Island UK. Also, The Bachelorette. When I’m in the city, I do my best to explore it as a tourist because it can be so depressing when you’re just living there. I read a lot. I love doing my hair. I love finding wigs and braids and straightening and curling my hair.

APT: Lovely! Okay, Wild Card Question: Music is obviously central to Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom and you also do some singing in Much Ado About Nothing, so keeping on theme, what are three songs to make sure to have on a playlist this summer?
Cusic: Oooh! “Love Me JeJe” by Tems! Also, listen to the entire Born in the Wild album. It’s excellent and I’ve been listening to it non-stop. Listen to anything Shaboozey. I’ve listened to so much Shaboozey since being out here because it’s a little country. Specifically, give a listen to “A Bar Song.” It’s fun and it’ll make you feel cute! I’ve been getting back into my Whitney Houston bag recently as well because I just re-watched The Bodyguard and I mean, EXCELLENT soundtrack. So, listen to some Whitney – “I Have Nothing!" I mean, C’MON!

APT: Those are AMAZING suggestions. Anything else you'd like to share?
Come see Ma Rainey and Much Ado!