IN LOCO PARENTES: My First 24 Hours in Spring Green

Posted May 5, 2010 By Mark D. Hines

Well for those of you who didn't take 7 years of Latin: In loco parentes means: In place of the parents. (It wasn't a TOTAL waste of 7 years, pop!) This is how I'm using you today, Oh Blogosphere. Pardon my selfishness, but after a wonderful first 24 hours in Spring Green, the only disappointment (albeit an expected one) is that I have no cell service at all and only internet service here at the theatre. Hence, it is rather difficult to share my experiences thus far with my family and since we were asked by the theatre to Blog if we felt inspired... here we go! So I'm writing this on my dinner break between first read throughs of As You Like It and All's Well That Ends Well... but first...I'll go back. Twenty-four hours ago I pulled into Spring Green with a comically-full carload of stuff. Sharina Martin drove up from Chicago with me (she and I met two years ago in The Voysey Inheritance directed by APT favorite, James Bohnen). The first two hours were spent furiously unpacking so we could make it to the indoor theatre (the Touchstone, it's called) for a reception with the larger APT family (donors, company members, etc) and to see the directors do presentations of what to expect from their shows. After each director spoke, Sharina and I nudged each other and whispered one of two things. A: I can't WAIT to start rehearsing that show! or B: I wish I was in that one too!!! Needless to say, if we weren't already beside ourselves with excitement to start rehearsals... we now were! After retiring to the local bar (The Shed) to enjoy an adult beverage and meet more lovely folks... I went across the street to my apartment and promptly passed out. Six hours later, however (around 6:30am) I arose to my surprise, wide awake and ready to go. This is an anomaly for me (as my family well knows, though for you, oh Blogosphere, this is "new news"). Unfortunately... I had 5 hours to kill before rehearsal. After looking through the scripts for a while, I realized any more script work before rehearsal and I mightt explode with nervous energy... so instead - I hopped on my mountain bike and took off. A little over an hour later, I returned - having witnessed a GORGEOUS ride up the hill, past the Theatre, past Taliesen (the Frank Lloyd Wright house - Don't worry, I'll take you there, Mom) and up to a place called 'The House on the Rock.' Don't ask me... I don't really know what it is yet. I then had a delightful breakfast at the General Store and realized that I was ready for a nap. Alas... it was time for rehearsal. Not to worry... I had no trouble keeping my eyes open... our cast for As You Like It is PHENOMENAL!!!! I almost wish audiences could just come to the readings (note to artistic staff... I almost deleted that last line as it is a TERRIBLE idea: the last thing the actors need on day one is MORE to be nervous/excited about). There were moments of such surprise as we heard people's first instincts for beautiful moments in the play... some of which we will (I'm sure) try to crystallize and keep as they are, while others we craft and mold into whatever they become in the weeks ahead. Now, I'm snacking in the green room and need to start getting my mind in All's Well mode. So I'm off... but that was my first 24 hours in Spring Green, family. I miss you all... but if it continues at this rate, it'll seem like tomorrow when you come visit in August. And don't worry... I'm supposed to be getting a landline put in to my apartment shortly, so hopefully I'll have the ability (and the time) to talk to you over the phone soon. In the meantime... thank you, oh Blogosphere, for allowing me to selfishly USE you to communicate with my loved ones out in California, though I hope you enjoyed it too. Cheers, MDH