APT through the years.

Posted June 30, 2010 By Aleta Barmore

Opening  Night02 Marquee
Today I was reading a description written in 1983 (hand-written on lined notepaper) of what a house manager at APT might face. Many of you will remember these things, and can probably add to the list. I will quote only a few lines: "If the organization has been effective, it will appear to the audience that the performance 'just happened'. They will never know that the costume and administration building roofs leak, that the raccoons ravage the garbage cans and dressing rooms nightly, that the shuttle brakes should have been looked to yesterday, that in the last torrential rain the box office almost washed away, that the acting company rehearses in a mechanic's garage and costume fittings are done in a pole building on HWY 14. One must attend to loose deck boards, signs that bleed in the rain, seats that forever fall off their supports 5 minutes before the house opens, rotting smells drifting up from under the deck, volunteer ushers in short supply, strong winds blowing away playbills, cups, napkins and . . . actors' voices" Fast forward to 2010. We have come so far - while we still face the challenges of nature (which is integral to who we are at APT) our buildings are kept in good repair, our shuttle and tram are well-maintained, our actors have three indoor rehearsal spaces, repairs are made regularly to the stage and our comfortable seats are monitored for replacement each season! The progress we have made is attributable to so many things and so many people stretching their minds, hearts and pocketbooks. My job as Development Director is made easy by hundreds of people who give financially to our operating fund, our education program and who have given through the years so that APT could build the up-the-hill rest rooms, the Gateway box office and rest room building down the hill, the stage and now the new production building (called Alpha) and indoor Touchstone Theatre. You all deserve an enormous round of applause and if I could simulate such sound here and now, it would be done! In lieu of that, BRAVO to you all! - Aleta Barmore