A Brave New World

Posted February 5, 2010 By David Frank

Two firsts today: a brand new website and my first blog! And I mean that: it really is my first. I had to ask what a ‘blog’ was. A kind of digital ‘stream of consciousness’ as I understand it. Be careful what you wish for!   The notion that an untested thought, still emerging from its chrysalis of doubt, can be instantly released on an unsuspecting public, quite beyond recall, is truly terrifying to someone who is used to debating the significance of a semi-colon for twenty minutes at a time. (Make that 60 minutes when Jonathan Smoots and I get going). But that is also the power of this new medium. We have so much to say and this forum lets us say it without risking your boredom. You can pick and choose with the greatest of ease and we can chatter on with whatever is on our mind without wasting paper or ink or anyone else’s time. And now I think of it, I have so many thoughts and experiences that I will want to record: the great conference I attended this January at the Globe Theatre in London, the excitement of our work on next season and beyond and the fun I am having working on Shaw’s Major Barbara, all spring immediately to mind. But that’s enough for now. Welcome to our new site and to a brave new world.