Thanks and Ever Thanks: Kay Schwebke and Marcia Meredith

Posted August 12, 2015 By APT

A blog series offering an introduction to some of our friends and donors who help keep APT vibrant.

Warm Memories...

Kay and Marcia make their way to APT from the Twin Cities a couple times each summer.

Kay Schwebke has been an APT regular since the very first season. 'My parents introduced me to APT. Always on the lookout for new arts experiences, they read about a new theatre company and invited me to join them one cold September evening, just as I was getting ready to head off to Minnesota for college. We were huddled with an audience of about 60 people, sharing body warmth as we sipped on hot chocolate provided free by APT staff!' Marcia joined her in 1999 and they now make their way to Spring Green from the Twin Cities a couple of times each season.

One or more of those trips often includes the parents! Kay's folks always join them for one show and, for many years now, Marcia's mom has joined in on the fun. 'It's always a special weekend away, sharing APT with our folks.' They both recall fondly those spontaneous moments when they see a cast member unexpectedly in town and have a chance to thank them in person for their performances.

Over the years, they've enjoyed the excitement of watching a vision and dream - articulated from the very beginning - come to life. 'The dream continues to evolve, to change with the times, to grow, to live and breathe, and to change the lives of people who travel up the hill to see yet another tremendous performance. How often do you get to experience that in life? How could we not support APT?'

We are so grateful to Kay and Marcia for their support throughout the years. Their loyal giving to our annual operating fund allows APT to breathe a bit easier, knowing we can count on them each year. Their additional support to both the Touchstone and The Next Great Stage Campaigns help ensure a successful future with limitless possibilities and room to dream.