Strangers on a Train grasp at connections in APT's 'The Unexpected Man'

Posted June 27, 2017

By Lindsay Christians, The Capital Times

June 27, 2017

There’s a moment of indecision when we meet a celebrity in the real world.

We’ve read all of her books, seen all of his movies, eaten at their restaurant and lovingly Instagrammed every course. Everyone else in here knows who that is, too, right? Should we say something?

What should we­ say?

Yasmina Reza’s “The Unexpected Man,” a quiet character study of a play, marinates in this question for an hour and 20 minutes. Staged in American Players Theatre’s 200-seat Touchstone Theatre, “Unexpected Man” relies on the appeal of two of APT’s veteran core company members, Sarah Day and Brian Mani.

Companions in a train compartment between Paris and Frankfurt, unknown to one another, Day and Mani’s characters think out loud, ramble and philosophize.

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