Spring Green Night 2012

Posted June 14, 2012 By Mariah Young

An evening of food and community, Spring Green Night is a chance for APT to show its appreciation for the village that shows us never - ending support. We provide the brats and burgers, you bring the sides, and join us for dinner and a show. This year was a joy. We had salads, slaws, and desserts for miles. Even when the line got long, we were sure there would be no shortage of food, and we were right. There were brownies for the masses, dips to go around, and more than enough buns. More importantly than the buns are the meats that go along with them. We owe a huge thank you to the Spring Green Area Chamber of Commerce Volunteers for serving as our grill masters; they promised from the beginning to make this a fun evening and delivered. Even when special requests came in, they stepped up with a smile. 'You're a vegetarian? No problem, I got two veggie burgers right here with your name on it!' We are equally grateful to Cardinal Glass Industries for their sponsorship of the event. Stomachs would not have been filled if it weren't for such generosity. Spring Green Night also means a lot to the staff here at APT; it gives us a chance to connect with so many people on a personal level. We get to hear their stories, see their smiles, and share a meal. Kicking off a season up the hill is a joy, but it's not without stress. Spring Green Night is the perfect environment; it lets us shake that stress off and just enjoy the evening's performance. We could not have had a better time. With that we thank those who joined us, and share that we look forward to a summer of many more food and friend - filled nights. Take aminuteto watch, and see what the Spring Greeners had to say...