Quick Chats: Kimm Tomala

Posted November 14, 2022

Kimm QC3

This week on Quick Chats, we are joined by Kimm Tomala, our fabulous Finance Director. We're catching up on Kimm's first months at APT, Shakespeare family traditions, and what the best Thanksgiving side dish is as we get ready to enter the holiday season. Read on to learn a little more about this awesome new member of the team!

APT: Hi, Kimm! Welcome to Quick Chats! How are your first months at APT going?
KIMM TOMALA: It’s been amazing so far! I love coming to work at such a beautiful place and being around people who are passionate about and great at what they do!

APT: It’s amazing having you here as our new Finance Director! What’s your favorite thing about the position?
KIMM TOMALA: Wow, this is a hard question. I can’t choose; there are already so many things! I’ve loved seeing as much of this season as I could fit in, I love being a part of a mission based organization doing amazing work, I love getting to know my new coworkers, and I’ve really enjoyed digging into all the numbers and starting to understand the finances of APT.

APT: You have a background in theatre! Can you share with us a little about your journey to APT?
KIMM TOMALA: Sure! I studied theater in college at Notre Dame focusing on scenic and lighting design; for my senior project I designed the set for one of the department’s productions and during the process realized that being a set designer was not the right path for me. So after graduation, I moved back home to Baraboo and started studying to be a math teacher, while coaching swimming. Then I moved to Chicago, where I got a masters in math education, got a job as a teacher, and realized that wasn’t the right path for me either!

So I worked as the administrative coordinator for the swimming lesson program at the JCCs of Chicago and as part of that job I discovered accounting. So I went back to school again, got my masters in accounting, and got a job as a CPA. In 2020, early in the pandemic, we moved to Madison, and APT was one of my new clients. Because of that I learned about the position opening up and I’m so grateful to be able to combine two of my passions in my job!

APT: That's awesome! What is your first memory of coming to American Players Theatre?
KIMM TOMALA: When I was 12 my dad brought me to see Much Ado About Nothing. It was my first encounter with Shakespeare, and my first play, and I absolutely loved everything about it (except the bug spray.) Dad and I started coming to see a show every summer until I moved out of state. I restored the tradition this year by bringing him to see Love’s Labour’s Lost (we laughed so much I was hoarse the next day) and I look forward to continuing in the coming years.

APT: When you’re not crunching numbers, what are some things you like to do outside of work?
KIMM TOMALA: I do CrossFit and my favorite movements are burpees, rope climbs, and deadlifts. But I love any workout that ends with me collapsing on the floor because I’m so tired when I finish.

We also love working on training our two dogs, Corby and Teddy, as well as taking them to fun places and cuddling with them on the couch.

APT: As we approach the holiday season, we've got food on the brain. So, Kimm, Wild Card Question: What is your favorite Thanksgiving side dish?
KIMM TOMALA: Stuffing. The answer is stuffing. Period.

APT: Anything else you'd like to share?
Thank you so much to Alex, my husband, for supporting me and encouraging me to take a chance and follow my passion, even though it means I spend a lot more time in the car commuting. And thank you to all my APT coworkers who have welcomed me and helped me feel at home.