In the Spotlight: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead

Posted August 14, 2013

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In William Shakespeare's renowned tragedy Hamlet, the prince of Denmark's two schoolmate friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, are minor characters whose deaths are dismissively cast aside at the conclusion of the play. However, in Tom Stoppard's production of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead, these confused but insightful characters take center stage to share their story. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is APT's first Tom Stoppard production (last season's Heroes was translated by Stoppard from Gerald Sibleyras' Le Vent des Peupliers). Since the show opened, theatre critics are applauding the play, performances by Ryan Imhoff (Rosencrantz) and Steve Haggard (Guildenstern) and APT. Enjoy the following snippets from reviews in Wisconsin publications: 'Under James Bohnen's direction, we're being treated to the comedy and the pathos in a stellar production at American Players Theatre, with actors in the same roles they've assumed in APT's Hamlet.' -Mike Fischer, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 'Director James Bohnen is a longtime interpreter of Stoppard-That makes it less surprising that in APT's first foray with Stoppard up the hill, Bohnen takes the Brit's existentialist ramblings and crafts a comedy worth watching.' -Lindsay Christians, The Capital Times '[Steve] Haggard's loose, guileless quality suits him well here; he's a terrific choice for this role. His counterpart is APT newcomer Ryan Imhoff as Rosencrantz. They have an ease together that befits the fact that Rosencrantz and Guildenstern often forget which one of them is which.' -Jennifer A. Smith, The Isthmus 'Director James Bohnen allows his actors broad comic interpretations, but not at the expense of the work's deeper meanings.' -Michael Muckian, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead is currently running in repertory at APT through Saturday, October 5. To purchase tickets call the Box Office at 608.588.2361 or visit