Wolf at the Door Director's Notes

Posted June 26, 2024

Wolf Notes 02

Hymm for the girls who come after us

May you get home safely after nights full of wine
and friends and full belly laughs.

And when you look up at the glow of the moon
When your life is more weed than flower,
may you know she looks out for you.

May every song on the radio remind you that love is here,
it is here and it is for you.

May you never have to worry for your little sisters,
may they never have to make a blade of themselves.

May successes kiss the heels of your feet as you
fly to greater heights than they said you would ever reach.

May the beat, beat, beat of this world be one of safety,
so you do not need to follow each other home.

And may the good times be loud and long
and your sorrows only fleeting.

- Nikita Gill

- Curated by Melisa Pereyra, Director of Wolf at the Door