Thanks and Ever Thanks: Connie Lee (And Family)

Posted September 14, 2015 By APT

A blog series offering an introduction to some of our friends and donors who help keep APT vibrant.

'APT is a major focus of who we are as a family'

For Connie Lee, APT and family are intrinsically linked.

This Oshkosh resident has been coming to APT for over 30 years, first bringing her two teenaged sons with her in 1983. 'I had to coerce them into that first trip' she remembers. 'I had read about APT and wanted to try it out, but the boys weren't that interested. So I agreed that we would go to the Wisconsin Dells first, and then try out the new Shakespeare theatre.' After seeing Taming of the Shew they were hooked. 'The boys were the ones who insisted we come back.'

And so they come back. . . every year. And they've expanded their invitation list to include spouses, sisters, in-laws, grandchildren, and step-children. 'The annual trip to Spring Green and APT has become a mini-reunion.' They come from all corners of the United States.

Throughout the years, Connie has continued to support APT as a donor. Her gifts have helped nurture our core company of actors (as a sponsor), aided in making the Touchstone theatre a reality, and now will help us secure our Uphill Theatre's future through her pledge to the Next Great Stage Campaign.

When we asked why she gives to APT, her answer was concise and direct: 'APT is a major focus of who we are as a family. We come together to see superb classical productions and the shows are always conversation starters.'