Quick Chats: Michele Traband

Posted August 25, 2016 By Sean Sobecki

Welcome to our Quick Chat series where we'll dive into the life and times of some of APT's finest. Each interview will supply insights ranging from the obviously relevant to the vaguely insane. Sounds fun, right? Today we're chatting with APT Development Specialist, Michele Traband!

Michele Traband joined APT in 2012, bringing with her over 20 years of experience in arts administration and donor relations. She has worked for theatre companies all across the country and is a founding member of Renaissance Theaterworks in Milwaukee. We talked with Michele about her time at APT, the Next Great Stage Campaign and the ability to talk with cats.

APT: You've been at APT for about 4 years now. How have you enjoyed your time in the woods?
Michele Traband: I can honestly say that this is the first job I've ever had where the rose-colored glasses have not come off. I love coming to work every day. I love the different experiences I have and the fact that no day is the same. I enjoy the drive (I live about an hour away) and I love getting to meet all of the different people. It's a great job.

APT: What exactly does a development specialist do?
MT: My first job is to make sure that the folks who come to APT and who donate know how important they are, and how special they are, and know what an impact their gifts make. Ultimately, my job is to make sure they understand how big a part of the APT family they are. We could not do what we do without them.

My second job is to find more people who think APT is special and who are interested in APT's financial security and strength. I enjoy getting to know them and finding out what interests them - you never know what you'll learn when you meet somebody for the first time. You may find their interests are in education or the core acting company or the production side of our work, so I like talking to them to find out what drives them to come back to APT.

APT: Let's talk about the Next Great Stage Campaign. Have you ever worked on a capital campaign before?
MT: I am idyllically naive when it comes to capital campaigns - this is my first one. I started working at APT just as the conversations were beginning about the need to rebuild the stage. The structural engineers had come in and given their assessment that we had until 2017 and so those beginning conversations were just happening with everybody on staff (which is another thing I love this place - there is buy-in from every corner of the property about what's important to make our work successful).

I am blown away by how much the patrons care about that stage and how much they want to make sure that what makes it special is preserved. I can't imagine working on another capital campaign that will be as positive an experience as this has been.

APT: Is there anything about the campaign that has stuck out to you?
MT: I think the thing that's stuck with me the most is the amazing variety of patrons that are coming forward to participate in the campaign. We've got brand new donors, those who have supported APT since 1980 and everyone in between participating to ensure that the campaign is successful and the stage gets rebuilt.

APT: What sorts of things do you like to do when you're not at APT?
MT: What do I like to do? Well I have kids, so I don't have any hobbies! I am a huge fan of Gilmore Girls and The West Wing, though, and I listen to the Gilmore Guys and The West Wing Weekly podcasts on my drives to work.

APT: Would you rather be able to speak any language fluently or be able to talk to animals?
MT: I think that I would like to be able to talk to animals so that I could determine just what my cats thought when we brought our new pet rats into the house!