In the Spotlight: Paul Bentzen

Posted August 31, 2012 By APT

Paul  Bentzen Image Gallery
30 questions for 30 seasons, core company actor Paul Bentzen gives us the lowdown on three decades at APT. APT: Over the past 30 years, which show has been your favorite? Paul Bentzen: The classic answer: the one I'm doing now. In this case Heroes. APT: Do you have a specific pre-performance ritual? PB: No, I like to get to them a bit early. APT: What can we find you doing during your free time? PB: Fly fishing, cooking, pickin' bluegrass with friends. Lately I've been wintering in NYC where I recharge my cultural batteries. APT: If you were stranded on an island, what would be the one thing you took along? PB: A good boat. APT: What is your fondest memory of APT? PB: On stage: Singing Wind and Rain as Feste, in actual wind and rain. Off stage, showing up at rehearsal with a five-foot bull snake wrapped around my arm, and bleeding where it bit me. Awesome! APT: What are your top three movies? PB: Crazy Heart, Fanny and Alexander, The Pawn Broker APT: What's your most embarrassing APT moment? PB: When I unintentionally accused Randy Kim of ranting and raving. APT: Any pets? PB: Not anymore. RIP Wally and Darwin. APT: What is an indulgence for you? PB: Pigging out at the Dorf Haus's Bavarian Smorgasbord. APT: Do you get nervous before a show? PB: I'd call it excited anticipation. APT: What's your favorite season? PB: Spring and Fall, a tie. APT: How is acting at APT different from other venues? PB: You have to be able to speak and inhale bugs at the same time. APT: What was your childhood ambition? PB: To be a zoologist. APT: What was the last thing you purchased? PB: Shampoo and conditioner. APT: Sweet or salty? PB: A bit of both is nice. APT: What are three words that describe your life? PB: Charmed. Lucky. Quirky. APT: What is the best part of performing outdoors, up the hill? PB: Seeing the stars when the lights go to black. APT: What's your favorite possession? PB: My sense of humor. APT: As an experienced banjo player, what's your favorite serenade? PB: Banjo players don't serenade. You'll get a shoe thrown at you...or worse! APT: What book do you suggest we all go out and read? PB: Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy. APT: What show has had the largest influence on you personally? PB: Cherry Orchard all because of one scene between me as Firs and Tracy Arnold as Charlotte. APT: APT has put you in some crazy costumes. Which is your favorite? PB: Budd Hill's design for Angelo in The Comedy of Errors would be right up there. I also seem to recall having huge wings for Time in Winter's Tale. One night one broke and I flounced about like a ruptured chicken. Am I imagining that? APT: Do you prefer having a mustache or going without? PB: Without (for now). APT: Where's your favorite place to eat? PB: My backyard patio. APT: It's Saturday Night. What's your drink of choice? PB: Beer mostly. In summer I've been gravitating back to American lagers like Leinies. In winter, Guinness. APT: What's your dream role? PB: I'd like to do a really good role (doesn't have to be big) in a really good Indy film with a really good director. APT: What would the title of your autobiography be? PB: I Came, I Saw, I Stayed for Thirty @#$%@#$ Years! APT: What's your proudest accomplishment at APT? PB: Actually making a living doing what I love. I wish everyone could be so lucky. APT: What's your favorite album/band? PB: Impossible to say - so many. How about Gordon Lightfoot's very first album for United Artists. Also JD Crowe and the New South, Old Home Place. APT: Did you ever think you'd spend thirty years at APT? PB: When I first saw the outdoor stage and met Randy and Annie I knew that it was destiny that I would work there. Thirty years?? That's crazy!!