A Touch of Nature

Posted August 2, 2010 By Kayla Sklar

I have a confession to make: I've never been what some would call "the outdoorsy type." I'm allergic to the sun, I'm terrified of insects, and despite the fact that I'm from Georgia, I hate the heat of summer. Yet would you believe that the moment I was given the opportunity to intern/shadow here at APT, I jumped at the chance? You see, though I may not have a passion for the outdoors, I do have a passion for theatre. Especially theatre of the quality found here in Spring Green. There's something intimate about a show performed without any microphones or gimmicks. There's something heartwarming about heading down the hill after a show with a thousand other patrons, and listening to a thousand different conversations about the performance you just watched. Out of all the theaters I've been to (and I've been to quite a lot), APT stands at the front of the pack for me. What's even more amazing is that I get to watch and learn from the talented people who work in this amazing place. In my week here (oh how the time flies!) I've been able to sit in on development meetings, strategic planning discussions, and marketing brainstorm sessions. I've helped paint sets, set up technical rehearsals, and organize purchase orders. And despite the sometimes trying natural elements (although you can't complain until you experience summer in the South), I can't think of a better way to spend my summer. And I'll tell you a secret: the buzzing of bees doesn't bother me anymore! It's true! (Just don't tell my dad, he'll make me go camping again) In closing, Shakespeare once wisely said that "One touch of nature makes the whole world kin." So thank you, APT, for including me, and theater-lovers everywhere, in your family this summer.