30 Years for APTHarlan Ferstl

Posted June 4, 2014

A surprise celebration was held on June 3, 2014, for Harlan Ferstl, a props artisan/carpenter here at APT. The celebration commemorated Harlan's 30th year at APT. Per Harlan's request, he didn't receive a present for the event, but the prop shop certainly did: a set of lathes engraved with the words 'In honor of Harlan Ferstl's 30th season.' Harlan's history with APT is wide and varied. He's been around, helping out, since the theatre's fledgling days. He grew up in nearby Plain and was involved with the River Valley Players, a local community theatre. It seemed natural, then, that he should get involved with this new theatre in the woods of Spring Green. Over these 30 years, Harlan has worn many hats. He's spent the most time working with props as a props artisan, carpenter, or props master. But he has also worked in the costume shop, recorded sound effects, and appeared on stage several times. In fact, the list of what he hasn't done is probably shorter. Harlan's dedication to artistry and precision in his work is well-renowned. In the words of production manager Michael Broh, 'Everything we make, everything we put on stage, has to live up to that exquisite work he's putting right next to it.' APT is certainly glad to have had such a talented craftsman on staff for 30 years. And, as was heard at the celebration, 'Here's to 30 more!'