Sam D. White

Sam D. White

Sam D. White

Sam D. White has been making theater for more than 45 years. This season marks his long dreamt of debut with APT. Favorite Shakespeare roles include Prospero in The Tempest, Gloucester in King Lear, Falstaff in Henry the IV Part I and II. Other favs include Big Daddy in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Rooster Byron in Jerusalem, and Robert in Proof. He’s worked with Forward Theater, Renaissance Theaterworks, Milwaukee Chamber Theatre, Milwaukee’s Optimists Theatre, and the former Madison Rep. He’s a co-founder of both Forward Theater, and Madison’s Playwrights’ Ink. His plays Oatesland and Coyote Moon both received Wisconsin Wrights awards, and his play Hush the Waves was produced last season as part of World Premiere Wisconsin. Sam is a member of Dramatists Guild, and a 20-year veteran of the U.S. Army.