Josh Krause

Core Company

Josh Krause

Josh Krause

Josh Krause is celebrating his 1st season as a member of the Core Company and his 7th season since he first walked up the hill as an Apprentice. Recent APT favorites include The Liar (Cliton), The Merry Wives of Windsor (Sir High Evans), Romeo & Juliet (Sampson/Peter), The Rivals (Bob Acres), Hamlet (Rosencrantz/Gravedigger), Love’s Labors Lost (Anthony Dull), Rough Crossing (Adam), and She Stoops to Conquer (Tony Lumpkin). Recent regional theater favorites: The Mousetrap (Giles Ralston) and Equivocation (Sharpe/Wintour/James) with Next Act; Airness (Shreddy Eddy), The Amateurs (Gregory/Playwright), and Clarkston (Chris) with Forward Theater; Indecent (Avram/Asche) and Jeeves at Sea (Crumpet) for Milwaukee Chamber Theater. Josh has performed Off-Broadway in Boswell (James Boswell), by Marie Kohler. He is a proud member of Actors’ Equity Association and the Advisory Company at Forward Theater in Madison. He lives in Menomonee Falls, WI with his wife, Rachel, their brand new baby boy, Vincent, and their two cats, Tweak and Brioche.

Member of Actors' Equity Association, the Union of Professional Actors and Stage Managers