Contact Us
American Players Theatre
5950 Golf Course Road
P.O. Box 819
Spring Green, WI 53588
Box Office: 608-588-2361
Administration: 608-588-7401
Fax: 608-588-7085
If you experience website slowdowns while purchasing tickets, go directly to to order. The APT Box Office opens at 10:00 AM CDT, and we expect the phone lines to be very busy for the first few hours. Please be patient, and we'll see you soon!
American Players Theatre
5950 Golf Course Road
P.O. Box 819
Spring Green, WI 53588
Box Office: 608-588-2361
Administration: 608-588-7401
Fax: 608-588-7085
Playwright, The Liar
David Ives is perhaps best known for his evening of one-act plays, All In The Timing (he has been included in the “Best Short Plays” series seven times), and for his drama Venus In Fur, which was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Play. His plays include New Jerusalem: The Interrogation Of Baruch De Spinoza, The School For Lies (adapted from Molière’s The Misanthrope); The Liar (adapted from Corneille), Time Flies and Is He Dead? (adapted from Mark Twain). He has also translated Feydeau’s A Flea In Her Ear and Yasmina Reza’s A Spanish Play. A former Guggenheim Fellow in playwriting and a graduate of The Yale School of Drama, he lives in New York City.